Please join us for the Annual Skinner Park Holiday Tree Lighting and Holiday Party. Tree Lighting is 5:15pm in front of the Skinner Park fieldhouse-1331 W. Monroe. Holiday Party is held indoors in the WY Gym – 210 S. Loomis. Join us for fun and food!
Please join us for the 10th annual Skinner Park Tots Halloween Party on Friday October 28. An indoor spooktacular fun party for the little ones. Special Thanks to Gardner School for being our presenting sponsor of the Tots Halloween Party as well as all our other sponsors and members whose support make it possible for…
Come Buy & Sell Your Stuff! Cleanup for the Fall! West Loop Yard Sale @ Skinner Park. Saturday, September 24, 9am to 3pm Spaces with 1 table starting at $20. Limited spaces. Register by 9/21/2016 at
A cooking demonstration using freshly harvested vegetables from the Skinner Park Community Roots Garden, Saturday, August 27 – 11:00am to 12:30pm Get the whole family involved in cooking and eating healthy. Kids (and parents) who grow their own vegetables are more likely to eat them. Join us for a cooking demonstration using freshly harvested produce…
The Chicago Botanic Garden will be holding a free workshop perennial gardening at Skinner Park tomorrow, Thursday August 25, 6pm Get tips and valuable information from the staff at the Chicago Botanic Garden to keep your perennials growing. Perennials are plants that come back every year. Location: Community Roots Vegetable Garden @ Skinner Park.
Join us to cheer the little ones in Skinner Park’s annual Tots Olympics! Saturday, August 20 from 10am to 1pm. West Loop Soccer Club, our newest sponsor will be joining us to offer soccer fun and activities…an Olympic favorite! There will be games, track and field races, and fun! There is even stroller races for…