Help plan Chicago. Take the We Will Surveys!

We need your help for Chicago. We Will Chicago is a new city wide planning process for the City of Chicago, initiated by the Mayor’s Office and the Department of Planning and Development. May Toy of SPAC volunteered and was selected to serve on the advisory council which has the responsibility of reviewing and looking across all 7 of the pillar research.

Please accept this invitation to take the surveys from the We Will Chicago team. Planning for Chicago’s first citywide plan in 50 years requires asking ourselves some big questions. Help the #WeWillChicago team answer them at

They are seeking your input on a series of questions drafted over the past several weeks by each of the 7 pillar research groups.  There is a survey for each of the 7 pillars.  Please answer each survey with your honest responses to better shape this plan. If you don’t think that these questions reflect your priorities, please indicate that and tell us what your priorities are.  We are seeking input to build a better and equitable Chicago for everyone.  Your input to these questions will help shape the policy recommendations included in the citywide plan.  The surveys will end on November 15. 

The surveys and more information about the We Will Chicago effort can be found at at